
Our departments


Parametric solid surface in 2D and 3D with “Pro/Engineer” and “Cimatron”.  Functionality and  matching check:
– 3D-model reconstruction with laser or mechanical feeler
– FEM analysis
– Calculation of investments and production costs
– Aesthetical and/or functional prototypes in plastic and/or metal for checking and testing;

Mold design and construction

– Parametric solid surface in 2D and 3D with “Cimatron”
– Mould Flow, mold-filling analysis – deformations – cooling system
– Cimatron: tool path calculation starting from the 3D-model
– Analysis of pressure, temperature and stresses in the tool
– Calculation of compacting time, injection cycle time and molding machine definition
– Production of thermoplastic injection molds in steel and aluminum of technical parts
– Production of die-cast mold for parts until 1,5 Kg
– Production of with progressive or blocked moulds and plate shaping

Injection molding of plastic components

– Molding department (about 3.000 square meters)
– 22 injection molding machines from 35 tons to 1.000 tons.
– Horizontal, vertical  and bi-injection molding machines
– Molding of technical materials
– Completely automated department with thermoregulating units and highly advanced dehumidification units

3D decoration

– 3D decoration department (about 2.000 square meters)
– Innovative 3D decoration system suitable for many materials (plastic, metal, glass etc)
– Our decoration system can be used both for industrial production batches and for limited editions
– This technology allows to get appealing decorations and transfer colors, logos and  brand values

Assembly and quality

– Assembly and quality department (2.000 square meters).
– Assembly of mechanical and electronic components on single and line workstations
– Manufacturing of finished products
– PREMEC SPA operates according to the supply contracts agreed with the customer and got the company certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2000